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Category: highpointing

Boston On the Cheap: Up High

Boston On the Cheap: Up High

Boston has always had a reputation for being a really expensive city. According to this poll it is the third most expensive city to visit in the United States! So, how are people supposed to visit this great city without breaking the bank? Here are a few tips from some locals: Want to get up high and see the city from a unique perspective? There are many places in Boston that offer wonderful views of the city and its surroundings without…

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A few people have been posting about the new travel challenge to #Take12Trips in 2016. As I am currently down with a wicked cold or mild flu, this is the perfect time to distract myself with our future plans for the year 🙂 Unfortunately, we aren’t able to take a trip each month due to the fact that our work schedules are so hard to sync. I work Sunday through Thursday, Eric has a “regular” work schedule something I haven’t…

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2016 Plans: Highpointing New England

2016 Plans: Highpointing New England

Sitting at the table the other day, we were talking about travel plans for 2016. Though we have a lot of different ideas, one thing that we agreed upon was going hiking again. A long time ago, we were trying to complete the 4,000 footer list for the White Mountains. About 18 mountains (out of 48 total) in, we lost some steam. Having to drive 3 hours each way for some of the peaks was starting to get tiring and…

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